Formative Assessment strategies Quick Reference guide shared by Buddy Bery at KCMWhat is Formative Assessment & the Five Key Strategies? - NCTM Research Clip
Formative assessment is any assessment task designed to promote students’ learning. These tasks give both teachers and students feedback, so that teaching and learning activities can be altered according to the results. Formative assessment is different from summative assessment, the goal of which is to measure mastery.
What Does Research Say the Benefits of Formative Assessment Are?Wiliam and Thompson (2007) proposed the typology of formative assessment including long, medium & short cycles. The existing research base shows only that short- and medium-cycle formative assessments improve student achievement, whereas most of the formative assessments available commercially, such as benchmark or interim tests, are long-cycle formative assessments.
Rick Stiggins Assessment Training Institute herecheck out the CASL author's website here
Classroom Assessment Minute by Minute Day by Day: great examples of the Five Strategies from Dylan WiliamFive broad strategies to be equally powerful for teachers of all content areas and at all grade levels:
More details about the Five Key strategies from Dylan Wiliams...
Five “key strategies” :
• Clarifying, sharing, and understanding what students are expected to know • Creating effective classroom discussions, questions, activities, and tasks that offer the right type of evidence of how students are progressing to the espoused learning goals • Providing feedback that moves learning forward • Encouraging students to take ownership of their own learning • Using students as learning resources for one another Dylan Wiliams website herecheck out Dylan Wiliams website with presentations here