Ideas for Conversations between coaches or principals and teachers:
--Mid Year Review - What should we talk about? --Principals and Teachers Talk about Instruction --A Coaching Conversation video from PD360: What does the Professional Learning for Peer Observers course look like?
This self-paced course includes a pre-assessment and three modules. New! Professional Learning for Peer Observers Collegiality and Trust (2:44) Documenting Evidence (5:53) Peer Observation pre-assessment Keeping on Target with PGES from Abbie Combs Observation Observables Component with Look fors from Marion Co. Peer Observers CIITS quick card PD360 CIITS quick card Self-Reflections handouts Self Reflection CIITS quick card Self-Paced Course components: Pre-Assessment -- Before beginning the course, you are required to pass a pre-assessment to demonstrate your knowledge of the purpose of the TPGES and the multiple measures it includes. You also need to be familiar with the structure of the Kentucky Adapted Framework for Teaching. The videos and activities within the modules require you to have a working knowledge of the Framework and its domains. Module 1: Overview and Expectations -- The first module focuses on the purpose and importance of peer observation and what is expected of peer observers. The module also describes the peer observation process and how it differs from supervisor observations. Module 2: Identifying Effective Teaching Through Observation -- The second module focuses on the observation process, including examples of scripting evidence and identifying bias. You will have multiple opportunities to practice determining and scripting evidence, so you will want to have a copy of the Kentucky Framework for Teaching on hand to refer to. You will only need Domains 2 and 3 of the Framework. Module 3: Feedback -- In Module 1 you learned about the roles and responsibilities of a peer observer. Module 2 allowed you to develop the skills needed to complete an observation and script evidence free from bias and interpretation. Module 3 focuses on the characteristics of effective feedback and how to determine the next steps after feedback is given. -->>TPGES Tools for Coaches |
Instructional Coaching Resources: Articles Coaching Conference Materials Coaching Forms Partnership Learning Presentations Program Coaching Video Archive
Partnership Learning Fieldbook The Big Four Jim Knight website for Instructional Coaches
Mini-Coaching Manuals --Content Planning Content Planning --Formative Assessment Assessment for Learning --Instruction Thinking Prompts Effective Questions Stories Cooperative Learning --Community Building Authentic Classroom Learning Opportunities What is Cognitive Coaching? Reflections on Cognitive Coaching Norms of Collaboration Toolkit - Seven Norms Inventories •“Seven Norms of Collaboration: A Supporting Toolkit” •“Norms of Collaboration” poster •“Norms of Collaboration, Annotated” poster •“Norms Inventory: Rating the Consistency of My Personal Behavior” •“Norms Personal Inventory: Summarizing Personal Ratings” •“Norms Group Inventory: Rating the Consistency of Group Member Behavior” •“Norm Group Summary: Summarizing Member Ratings” The Leading Teacher
School-based staff developers have many different titles--coaches, mentors, instructional specialists, lead teachers, master teachers. Whatever your title, if your job is coaching teachers in any way, this newsletter is for you. Tools for Learning Schools brings you the latest information from the field in easy-to-read articles and resources that are helpful in your work.