Secondary Math grades 6-12 resources:Dan Meyer's BlogDan Meyer is a former high school math teacher who shows us how to integrate technology into math class.
Dan Meyer's Three-Act Math Tasks - spreadsheet with links to tasks Dan Meyer’s Ted Talk from March 2011 (about 15min long) Dan Meyer’s Real World Math – video (about 4min long) Andrew Stadel's Lessons
Timon Piccini's Lessons Dane Ehlert's Lessons Dan Anderson's Lessons Graham Flecther's Lessons Mike Wiernicki's Lessons Mr. Orr Lessons MathletePearce Lessons Robert Kaplinsky's Lessons Finding Ways
is where I tell stories that are mainly about teaching and learning mathematics in the classroom. @fawnpnguyen
MathaliciousMathalicious lessons teach standards-based math through real-world topics that students care about. In the United States, 61% of middle school students say they’d rather take out the garbage than do their math homework. If you ask students why they dislike math so much they’ll often say, “I don’t know what it means or when I’ll ever use it.” To many, math is just a bunch of random steps to memorize and regurgitate. But math is about more than just numbers and equations. Math is a tool to explore the world around us, and that’s exactly what Mathalicious does. Mathalicious provides teachers with lessons that help them teach math in a way that engages their students–in a way that helps students understand how the world works.
Robert Kaplinsky - Problem Based LessonsYummyMathWe provide teachers and students with mathematics relevant to our world today …
We’ve created Yummy Math to provide teachers with an easy way to bring real-life into their math classrooms. It is our belief that when math is explored in contexts that are familiar and of interest to students, students will be more engaged to do math, reason, think critically, question and communicate. Get the MathAbout Get the Math
Overview of the Lessons Math in Music Math in Fashion Math in Videogames Math in Restaurants Math in Basketball Math in Special Effects Math Taboo - Vocabulary GameClick here for the Secondary FAL pageThis link takes you to the Shell Centre site with great mathematics Formative Assessment Lessons for middle and high school. Middle School is listed by grade with 5-10 lessons per grade, high school has over 40 lessons with great mathematical thinking tied to both the CCSS content and practice standards.
Find materials from the CKEC Secondary Math Network 2010-2013 here and from the CKEC Secondary Math Cadre 2013-2014 here
Common Core Sample Questions - Grade 6 Mathematics
Desmos free online graphing calculator
Check out the demo video here: Desmos Classroom Activities Desmos Curriculum Illustrative Mathematics TasksIllustrative Mathematics provides guidance to states, assessment consortia, testing companies, and curriculum developers by illustrating the range and types of mathematical work that students experience in a faithful implementation of the Common Core State Standards, and by publishing other tools that support implementation of the standards.
Blogs from math teachers you should follow for great ideas: Finding Ways is where I tell stories that are mainly about teaching and learning mathematics in the classroom. @fawnpnguyen Dr Jo Boaler is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Stanford University, and the faculty director of youcubed. She is the author of nine books – including the best seller: Mathematical Mindsets - and she has received numerous awards for mathematics equity and leadership.
Growth Mindset TASKS Posters FluencyWithoutFear Visual Math Georgia Updates their units every July, so the links below should be updated for this year.
Mathematics Lessons or Units Grades 6-8 Grade 6 - Defining and Writing Ratios - Exemplar if Improved Grade 6 - Intensity of Chocolate Milk - Exemplar if Improved
Grade 6 - Writing and Evaluating Exponential Expressions - Exemplar Grade 6 - Unit Rate - Exemplar if Improved Grade 7 - Expressions and Equations - Exemplar
Grade 7 - Unit Rate And Constant of Proportionality - Exemplar
EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Mathematics (PDF) EQuIP Rubric for Lessons & Units: Mathematics Response Form (PDF) Mathematics Lessons or Units Grades 9-12 Integrated Secondary Mathematics I - Congruence, Constructions and Proof - ExemplarIntegrated Secondary Mathematics I - Linear and Exponential Functions - Exemplar if ImprovedAlgebra I - Describing Variability - Exemplar
Aligned to Grade 6 Standards - Deepening Understanding of the Order of Operations - Exemplar
ENGAGE NEW YORK MATH UNITS 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Pre Calculus & Adv Topics |
Problem Based Curriculum Maps
The following Problem Based Learning (PrBL) curriculum maps are based on theMath Common Core State Standards and the associated scope and sequences. The problems and tasks have been scoured from thoughtful math bloggers who have advanced our practice by posting their materials online.
>>Database of Mathematics in Movies<<
MAP Practice for Math
practice for students on the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment -
Look for math category and RIT Range for practice sites
For more information about MAP see: NWEA site
Look for math category and RIT Range for practice sites
For more information about MAP see: NWEA site
Mathematics Instructional Learning Community (MILC) lots of resources from Fayette County teachersThe Mathematics Instructional Learning Community (MILC) Project is an alliance among Fayette County Public Schools (FCPS) math teachers:
Henri Picciotto's Math Education PageHenri created this site mostly for the use of fellow math teachers. If you are browsing, you can use one of the three maps of the site: The annotated map, organized by topic The compact map, which tries to be comprehensive The grade level map, a good place to start. This site has been recommended by the Math Forum Internet News, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics' Illuminations site, and the NCTM journal, the Mathematics Teacher.
Marilyn Burns Grades 6-8 Math lessons
Functions & Proportionality LessonsFunctions & Proportionality Lessons from the Rational Number Project
College Preparatory Mathematics-Cooperative Learning ideasMiddle & High School Math Curriculum incorporating Study Team/Cooperative Learning Strategies
Study Team Support (PowerPoint file) PPT NRICH enriching mathematics - secondaryThe NRICH Project aims to enrich the mathematical experiences of all learners. To support this aim, members of the NRICH team work in a wide range of capacities, including providing professional development for teachers wishing to embed rich mathematical tasks into everyday classroom practice. More information on many of our other activities can be found here.
Materials from the Mathematics Assessment Project:
--Math Tasks: --Math Tests: ( |
The Futures ChannelThe Futures Channel was founded with the goal of using new media technologies to create a channel between the scientists, engineers, explorers and visionaries who are shaping the future, and today’s learners who will one day succeed them.
Hands-on Math activities, click here Mathematics - Great tasks with student work samples & rubrics matched to the CCSS for math:
3 Math Whiteboarding ModesThree great math formative assessment strategies to try on your whiteboard including the Mistake Game.
Secondary Math Graphic Organizersvariety of graphic organizers to use in secondary math classes... check them out!
Bill MacCallum’s blog (lead writer of CCSS Math standards)suggested pacing guide for Algebra I & Geometry: and suggested pacing guide for Algebra II: Flipbooks:The Common Core “FlipBooks” are a compilation of research, “unpacked” standards from many states, instructional strategies and examples for each standard at each grade level from: The intent is to show the connections to the Standards of Mathematical Practices for the content standards and to get detailed information at each level.
High School 8th Grade - UPDATED 4-21-16 7th Grade - UPDATED 4-21-16 6th Grade - UPDATED 3-26-15 Middle & High School standards overview pages & sample curriculum mapssample curriculum maps developed at the Dana Center Univ of Texas