CKEC Social Studies Teacher Leader Network - April 22nd meeting
Introduction - Focus for the Day: How do I use classroom assessments and discussions to engage students in civic discourse and inquiry learning?
Grade Band groups –
HS: Kathy Swan& Nichole Caskey (side hallway),
MS: Terry Rhodes& Kelly Clark (front room),
Elem: Debbie Waggoner (main room)
--Investigating the C3 indicators for your grade band – What does C3 mean for my grade? (begin in whole group and move to grade band rooms for gallery walk)
--Discussion of Classroom Assessment in Social Studies – How do I use Socratic Seminar as a tool for civic discourse in the classroom?
--Using the Beyond the Bubble Materials to Analyze student work – Does the student work reflect the C3 indicators and show evidence of student learning?
LUNCH – Reflecting on our first three meetings: What is your plan for sharing social studies professional learning across your district?
Updates on Summer PD opportunities and KY Social Studies Standards writing teams.
Afternoon Mini- Sessions –
-- Text-Dependent questions – grade band examples Liz Tronoski & Kelly Clark (front room- HS>Elem>MS)
-- Compelling questions take 2 - Follow-up practice writing compelling questions Kathy Swan & Nichole Caskey (side hallway- Elem>MS>HS)
-- Balanced assessment in Social Studies-engaging students in self-reflection & goal setting Debbie Waggoner & Terry Rhodes (main room- MS>HS>Elem)
Introduction - Focus for the Day: How do I use classroom assessments and discussions to engage students in civic discourse and inquiry learning?
Grade Band groups –
HS: Kathy Swan& Nichole Caskey (side hallway),
MS: Terry Rhodes& Kelly Clark (front room),
Elem: Debbie Waggoner (main room)
--Investigating the C3 indicators for your grade band – What does C3 mean for my grade? (begin in whole group and move to grade band rooms for gallery walk)
--Discussion of Classroom Assessment in Social Studies – How do I use Socratic Seminar as a tool for civic discourse in the classroom?
--Using the Beyond the Bubble Materials to Analyze student work – Does the student work reflect the C3 indicators and show evidence of student learning?
LUNCH – Reflecting on our first three meetings: What is your plan for sharing social studies professional learning across your district?
Updates on Summer PD opportunities and KY Social Studies Standards writing teams.
Afternoon Mini- Sessions –
-- Text-Dependent questions – grade band examples Liz Tronoski & Kelly Clark (front room- HS>Elem>MS)
-- Compelling questions take 2 - Follow-up practice writing compelling questions Kathy Swan & Nichole Caskey (side hallway- Elem>MS>HS)
-- Balanced assessment in Social Studies-engaging students in self-reflection & goal setting Debbie Waggoner & Terry Rhodes (main room- MS>HS>Elem)