CKEC ISLN Network Meeting - March 20th, 2014
Introduction – Review of Learning Forward module materials –
Which materials can you use for professional learning with your teachers?
Concurrent Sessions:
--Science Network Deconstruction and Classroom Assessment Updates – Terry Rhodes
--Social Studies Network C3 Framework and Instructional Shifts Updates – Debbie Waggoner
--PGES Rubric: the what, the why, and the how
(reflections on using the EDI rubric from Fayette County) –
Rebecca Woosley (Monica Osborne) & Mike Cassady
Closure – Spotlight: Anderson County – PGES Roll-Out Plan Sharing
How is your district doing with Implementation?
How are you using your district network participants?
What’s your plan for preparing all staff for TPGES by September?
Let us know how we can assist you:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Introduction – Review of Learning Forward module materials –
Which materials can you use for professional learning with your teachers?
Concurrent Sessions:
--Science Network Deconstruction and Classroom Assessment Updates – Terry Rhodes
--Social Studies Network C3 Framework and Instructional Shifts Updates – Debbie Waggoner
--PGES Rubric: the what, the why, and the how
(reflections on using the EDI rubric from Fayette County) –
Rebecca Woosley (Monica Osborne) & Mike Cassady
Closure – Spotlight: Anderson County – PGES Roll-Out Plan Sharing
How is your district doing with Implementation?
How are you using your district network participants?
What’s your plan for preparing all staff for TPGES by September?
Let us know how we can assist you:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected] [email protected]
Coming up this summer: ISLN/KLA Annual State-wide Meeting June 26th /27th - Lexington Center
June 26— 3 cycles of TED talks/sessions on these topics: Teacher Effectiveness, Highly Effective Teaching and Learning in Science/Social Studies, Principal Effectiveness (Would you like to lead a TED talk or session?)
June 27— ‘morning working sessions’ on a variety of topics districts sign up for these as desired
CKEC Science and Social Studies Summer Network Meeting with Ken Mattingly - CASL in Action: Fri., July 25th
June 26— 3 cycles of TED talks/sessions on these topics: Teacher Effectiveness, Highly Effective Teaching and Learning in Science/Social Studies, Principal Effectiveness (Would you like to lead a TED talk or session?)
June 27— ‘morning working sessions’ on a variety of topics districts sign up for these as desired
CKEC Science and Social Studies Summer Network Meeting with Ken Mattingly - CASL in Action: Fri., July 25th