CKEC SS Network AGENDA TUES March 24th
--Welcome, Intro, Targets, Willing to be Disturbed article --Whole group Distilling the Standards Protocol – go over the sample protocol as an example, then complete one Elem, one MS, one HS standard at each table --Grade Level Break-Outs Complete Progression for you Grade Band K-5, 6-8, 9-12. --Whole group sitting in district teams – share out progressions from grade band work, discuss ideas for sharing protocol in your district, Homework - determine who from your district will be attending summer meetings on which days --LUNCH review Inquiry Cycle --Grade Level Break-Out rooms: Review what we have completed so far in the Inquiry Cycle –column one: questioning How have you been using the QFT protocol in your classroom? Review assigned reading homework to finish the green QFT book, --column two: evaluating sources – Review assigned homework - what evidence of student mastery of evaluating sources did you bring?, --column three: Argumentation as part of Communicating – how do you teach argumentation and how do teach kids to critique each others’ arguments? --Review today’s targets, complete online Evaluation |