CKEC MS/HS Math Cadre Meeting - March 19th, 2014
Beaumont Middle School 8:30-3:00pm
--8:30 Begin in library
--math FAL morning warm-up - Proportional Reasoning
--overview of day - What do you hope to learn today?
--Try scripting at least one lesson you observe just for your own practice.
--Try mapping the classroom and record student/teacher interactions just for your own practice.
--9:05-1:10 Observations with your group (lunch and begin unit planning when it fits in your schedule) --math FAL afternoon warm-up - Geometry Problems
--1:15 Whole Group Observations Debrief
--1:30-3:00 Unit Planning with your group
--Find or develop lessons to put in your dropbox folder
--Create items for your unit - taboo vocabulary cards, turnover cards, other games, etc
Beaumont Middle School 8:30-3:00pm
--8:30 Begin in library
--math FAL morning warm-up - Proportional Reasoning
--overview of day - What do you hope to learn today?
--Try scripting at least one lesson you observe just for your own practice.
--Try mapping the classroom and record student/teacher interactions just for your own practice.
--9:05-1:10 Observations with your group (lunch and begin unit planning when it fits in your schedule) --math FAL afternoon warm-up - Geometry Problems
--1:15 Whole Group Observations Debrief
--1:30-3:00 Unit Planning with your group
--Find or develop lessons to put in your dropbox folder
--Create items for your unit - taboo vocabulary cards, turnover cards, other games, etc
Beaumont Middle School website
Proportional Reasoning FAL
Powerpoint slides for Proportional Reasoning FAL Geometry Problems: Circles and Triangles FAL Powerpoint slides for Geometry problems FAL MAP formative assessment lessons site MAP math tasks site Secondary Math resources page Great K-12 math resources page What have you used in your classroom since our last meeting? |
DropBox Folder to Store Unit Ideas
(continue to add additional folders, documents, links, lessons, etc.) groups for today's session: Which of these can you use or adapt for your upcoming units?
Games and Templates from our January 2014 meeting: Algebachee: directions scoreboard powerpoint Expression War: Recording Sheet Cards Integer Cards Factoring Cut Out Puzzle Graphs of Quadratics Station LCM cards LCM Directions LCM Recording Sheet Math Taboo pdf Math Taboo word Polynomial Puzzle Ratio Proportion Board Game TRIGO: Directions BlankBoard Cards TURNOVER Cards: AlgeExp Transformations BLANK |
Be sure to check for upcoming events this summer/fall at the CKEC registration site check it out here
- June 17th MS/HS Math Differentiating Instruction
- Algebra I workgroup Sept. 9th, 2014 and Jan. 13th, 2015 (optional observation date in March 2015)
- Algebra II workgroup Oct. 14th, 2014 and Feb. 10th, 2015 (optional observation date in March 2015)
- Middle School Conceptual Building Blocks - to be determined